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G.I.R.L. gazette

*Don't read with expectations*

Category Archives: latR


   In honour of the current school year coming to a close for me, I’ve put together a few casual outfit ideas inspired by my school uniform. There’s more to come this week…


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Is the name of the play we’re doing in my English, Literature, and Drama class I’m taking. I auditioned for the part of Portia(rich, young heiress) like many other girls in my class did. I also auditioned for The Prince of Morocco, it seems as if my teacher enjoys me best as the Prince of Morocco( I don’t). But hey, the key to happiness is being content with what God has already given you, so I musn’t grumble.


Yesterday we put in our time at a college doing a campus cleanup, for Disney’s volunteering promo. We got free t-shirts, and they had a barbecue after. It was pretty cool.

Tomorrow my mom, dad, and I are getting baptized at the beach! I can’t wait, half of me is super excited, and the other half is nervous. I mean from tomorrow to the rest of my days with this life, I would be a different person.Baptism is showing the world you aren’t afraid to confess your love for Christ, I’m not afraid of confessing I’m afraid of how I might act afterward or how I’ll slip up, will i be a good example?
Last night being of the world, tomorrow night I’d just be with it, honest, patient, courageous, a leader …
Goodbye old me, you wont be missed!


Earlier this month was the awards ceremony for the county science fair that I entered. It was late, on a Thursday evening, when one of the kids who went to the fair with me called. ” you weren’t there tonight” he said “but you won big! 3rd place in your category, a scholarship(to unspoken college) and a state bid.” *pure shock on my end of the phone, until my mom speaks* “what” is her response, “she won what?”. It came as a shock to all of us, I mean, it was a pretty rough week, that we just wanted to end. We usually attend a prayer hour at our church on Thursdays, but we didn’t that evening. So after my parents and I regained our composure’s, we called in my youngest sister and woke up my other sister( it was near 10:00). We prayed: in thankfulness, honesty, reverence, and peace. I then called my Aunt who lives in the state we used to, who was in a meeting at first that soon ended. And after we explained the whole scenario to her on her car ride home, she screamed on the top of her lungs and screamed and screamed, which made me even more happy/excited, then worried me a little(on the fact that she might drive into the back of someones car. But to ,my relief my mother calmed her down.)
It was a good feeling I had that night, you know the good feeling you get, when nothing else is good but that good feeling ❤

“For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”
Ephesians 6:12